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Welcome New Arrivals, Students of Grade 2024

Posted on Sep. 1, 2024

From Aug. 31 to Sep. 1, 2024, Bohai University (BU) saw its new arrivals, students of Grade 2024, report to their respective colleges. There were 6849 new members coming to BU from all over China for their future study. The volunteers, who were made up of some old students, did what they could as planned to help the new ones. A group of school leaders led by LIU Yang, secretary of BU's CPC Committee, and ZHAO Jianguo, president of BU, went to the sites on both Songshan Campus and Seaside Campus to inspect the work done for the new arrivals.

Posted on Sep. 1, 2024 by Publicity Section for Bohai University's CPC Committee

School leaders' inspection of the work on Songshan Campus

School leaders' inspection of the work on Seaside Campus

A scene of the site for welcoming the new students

A customized bus service for the new arrivals

On the spot of new student identity verification

A new student reports to his college.

Some old student volunteers help a new member to report to her college.

Two old student volunteers help to carry the belongs of a new student.

A group photo


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