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Visit of Four Universities in Europe by a Group of Three People Led by Secretary LIU Yang

Posted on Jul. 13, 2024

Invited by University of West Attica, Greece, European University Cyprus, Univesidad Europea del Atl¨¢ntico, Spain, and Universitat Aut¨°noma de Barcelon, a group of three people from Bohai University (BU) led by LIU Yang, secretary of BU's CPC Committee, paid a visit to the four universities from Jul. 1 to 10, 2024, aiming to negotiate some cooperation programs in education with them. During their visit, they talked friendly with the leaders of the four schools who are responsible for international cooperation. It is hoped that some cooperation agreements will be reached in the near future for academic cooperation at various levels.

Posted on Jul. 13, 2024 by College of International Education

A visit of University of West Attica, Greece

A negotiation meeting in Univesidad Europea del Atl¨¢ntico, Spain


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